Saturday, October 22, 2011


Finally...Doraemon has captured our living room too!That damn thing plays on TV the whole day long and my lil boy who used to hate watching TV has suddenly become a big fan of this twenty second century cat!

But let me tell you..I like watching the episodes too..kind of a stress-buster for me as well..only if Nobita cried a lil less :-).

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nose Job!

Nose Job..but of a different kind! So the little genius was playing with my mother's "Churan golis" and was perfectly fine. Suddenly I saw a green discharge from his nose. A totally alarmed me looked at it closely and was shocked to notice that it smelled like churan. Sparsh got scared looking at my expression and immediately started pretending that he is asleep and not aware of anything that he has done to his nose.

It was close to 11pm and my father made some frantic calls to the ENTs that he knew but none was available at that hour. Finally I myself tried to push that big churan goli out of his nose by applying slight pressure. The goli was out after 20 minutes, but thru those 20 minutes I felt like I was operating a major surgery in the OT. And the lil genius was back to jumping right after the goli was out!