Thursday, June 7, 2012

Greenwood High Saga

School.....probably the word that takes most adults on a trip down the memory lane bringing back all the experiences which probably shaped what we have become today. because I attach so much importance to a school and its significance in our lives, we spent a lot of time before we zeroed on "Greenwood High" as the Alma mater for Sparsh.

He officially started school today without any tears on tantrums and as we waved our hands watching him board the school bus could not hold back the tears which signified my little boys new found independence. Wishing him all the very best in life...muaaah!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Own room in new honeycomb

Life has moved on and we did make a few upgrades here and there. Finally it was the turn for a new honeycomb and as we toiled to transform a new condo into our new home. The best part of all this was decorating Sparsh's new room in "Car Theme"! We were probably more excited than him about doing the room and sure are please with the end results. Here is a sneak peek!