Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Baby or the Bean!

Oh my God!!!! There is the baby..or should I say the bean!!! My heart skipped a beat when I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. The lil heart was beating very fast at 151 beats per minute. I had read that the heartbeat sounds like a horse not exactly true but close.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The saviour!

When pregnancy hits turn to babycentre!!! A treasure for all mums and mum-to-bes.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Diabetic mommies make the sweetest babies :-)

Yes.....I have known that I am diabetic for some time..It is hard enough to know that you got it so early..and is harder when their is baby on the way. But I guess we are in safe hands...first visit to the endocrinologist on 7th June and the first thing she tried to convince us of was that diabetic pregnancy is not tougher than normal ones..just one that needs special care. And there started an impromptu session of crying...I still cant believed I cried....maybe I was just too nervous. Thanks to the sense of humour the doctor has and hubby sitting next to me..I did not scare off all patients waiting outside. here we started on a journey of making the sweetest baby....with minimum sugar reaching the womb!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

.....and the news dawns!

So...the would be daddy is back home from a business trip and just close to midnight the mommy-to-be whispers to him- "You are going to be a daddy!!!!". Whoooo...that twinkle..the blush..and the faint smile that broadens into a full fledhed grin...I guess the news took some time to dawn...that was the most peaceful sleep that night :-).

Friday, June 6, 2008

The two pink lines!!!

6th June 2008- 5 seconds...dont they just fly away but on that particular day it took forever for those two pink lines to appear on the home pregnancy test! And what followed???...a trail of emotions...excitement, happiness, fear, pride,...god knows what all..but that was the first subtle proof of knowing that we had "A pea in the pod".